The Florida Storytelling Association
For a listing of Florida Storytelling Events go to,
Florida Storyfest, Mt Dora http://www.flstoryfest.com/ or 1-800-327-1796
Ocala Storytelling Festival - Ocala, FL, http://ocalastorytelling.org/
Tampa-Hillsborough Storytelling Festival - Tampa, FL, http://tampastory.org/
Florida Folk Festival - White Springs, FL, http://www.floridastateparks.org/folkfest/
Tale Tellers of St Augustine, FL, www.taletellers.org
Youthful Voices of Florida – Statewide, http://www.flstory.com/youthful-voices.html
Story Tellers of Central Florida, Meetings 6:30 pm, with stories at 7 pm on the 1st Tuesday of the each month, Community Room of the Winter Park Library, All meetings free and open to the public...General Audience – Stories, http://www.storytellerscf.org/